Três passos para vincular Branding com Fundraising

Três passos para vincular Branding com Fundraising

Vincular a marca e imagem de sua empresa a uma causa de impacto social é fundamental no engajamento e manutenção de uma base de clientes fiéis. O que é ESG? ESG é Environmental Social Governance. ESG está em alta! A pandemia acelerou a disseminação da terminologia,...
COVID-19: A journey with three false negatives

COVID-19: A journey with three false negatives

My symptoms began on Aug 26th. I nasal/throat SWAB tested for the live virus on the 4th, 8th and 11th day. All 3 swabs came back negative. I had 3 emergency hospital runs. I was clinically diagnosed with COVID-19, but there is a gap between clinical diagnosis and a...
Mindful Business

Mindful Business

Uma imagem fala mil palavras. Se em 01/01/2019 tivéssemos extraídos de nossas mentes as imagens de tudo que havíamos planejados para o ano e comparássemos as visões futurísticas com as imagens dos acontecimentos reais que ocorreram ao longo do ano, qual seria o grau...
Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

If the year was bad, may you regain the strength to face 2020. If the year was good, may you reflect and extract the best to facilitate the next cycle. The best gift is presence. Be present in spirit, soul, and time.