Do good, doing good. Be your best for those who need it.

Tikun Olam

Tikun Olam is a calling to do good; wheter as a volunteer to help other people or institutions, visit the sick, cook for the poor, make material donations, care for nature, mediate conflicts or lend a helping hand. Positive energy is infectious. A chain of good deeds contributes to transforming lives. We work hard on helping to make the world a tid bit better to live in.

TIKUN (from the Hebrew repair or fix) OLAM (world). This concept of Improving the World was elaborated by the great Kabbalistic Rabbi Isaac Luria, in the 16th century based on practicing three values: Tzedakah (justice), Chesed (compassion) and Shalom (peace).

 Tikun Olam is a dynamic movement that continuously renews itself   

As free citizens we face the constant challenge of preserving freedom, increasing access to social justice, savoring peace and taking care of everything that surrounds human life; including, of course, nature and the environment.


Our company's involvement in Tiku n Olam is double sided. On one hand we are volunteers and on the other we are hired to help organizations expand their reach.

Entrepreneurship: The NOW Generation

For 7 years we were dedicated Mentors at Merkaz from conception to its closure resulting from post pandemic losses.