CWIST by cwist_7wjo8zsokq7p 4 de October de 2021


One of the most severe criticisms about the public administration is the lack of commitment of its managers with the results. Elected to legislate on society’s demands and execute programs of public interest, the politician elected by popular scrutiny enters public life applauded and, as a rule, they leave booed.

A perverse and seductive public machine causes deviations in purpose, seduces the public man, budget devices are created, the legislature omits decisions in the interest of society and the executive’s actions are judicialized. Campaign promises are not kept and, consequently, results are not achieved. The development of society is therefore compromised and hope postponed to the next elections.

This is the reason that led civil society to seek alternatives within the private sector, supposedly an example of operational efficiency. Thus, non-governmental, non-profit organizations proliferated with the purpose of pushing public agendas with the legislature and monitoring the actions of the executive.

Therein lies the deception. Many of these organizations appeal to the conscience of society to mobilize resources with purpose and fulfill their good intentions. The good faith of people engaged with legitimate causes with which they identify, end up contributing, but their managers divert them from their ends. It is very common in the evaluations of NGOs to criticize the “burn rate”, bias towards the interests of their developers and favoring third parties, re-electing managers without performance evaluation processes.

Whether the organization is public or private, what matters is the efficiency in the use of resources and the results achieved, measured and quantified. Environment and social inclusion are important, but what makes the difference in ESG is governance, with metrics and socio-environmental responsibility, because “What is not measured cannot be managed” William Edwards Deming or “What can be measured, can be managed” be improved”, Peter Drucker. I can cite several examples of NGOs delivering results to their donors and many others of questionable results and dubious ethical behavior, but this article is directed to COMPAZ, a public sector organization, whose Secretary of Urban Security of Recife, Murilo Cavalcanti, confirmed in his position in the third legislature, it has been delivering results with 4 public facilities in operation, COMPAZ – Community Center for Peace, serving residents of vulnerable neighborhoods with 24-hour UPA’s and the Municipal Center for Early Childhood Education (CMEI). The equipment is aimed at youth, health and education in order to keep people away from living with drugs and prepare them for the future. Equipped with a library, access to justice space, with the services of the Public Ministry, Public Defender’s Office and Procon; rooms for conflict mediation, support for families and professional training. There are also theaters, a computer lab, a video library and an audio library, as well as rooms for recreation and recreational activities with the accompaniment of artists and educators.

Three new projects are under development, inspired by the successful experience of Medellín, Colombia, a reference for the world and with its scope expanded by COMPAZ, meeting the need for food security of its regulars and income generation for those leaving the prison system, in addition to of community members who are interested in learning a trade. Trained and assisted at COMPAZ, the model transforms its visitors into workers and/or entrepreneurs through their own initiatives or in cooperatives, preparing them for social interaction, or productive integration.

This initiative, recognized and applauded by INSPER, a non-profit institution of higher education and recognized as a reference in Administration, Economics, Law and Engineering, led them to create a postgraduate course called SOCIAL URBANISM, whose first class with 34 students formed last September 25th..

Engaging the academy is an important step in transforming society. Its inspiration in a state or private sector organization combined with active listening to society is an essential step to disseminate principles and concepts that produce transformation. CWIST is ESG-powered | DEI, selects its clients and uses its S.T.O.P methodology so that they leave the coexistence with ingrained habits and accept the dynamics of transformation from, however, from their own essence.

*Social urbanism – is an intervention strategy in the urban fabric that combines public policies, urban planning and design through a process of citizen and participatory exercise developed in Medellín. Its objective is to regenerate physical spaces and social dynamics in the city by promoting improvements in urban infrastructure, especially in areas of high social vulnerability. Ana Leticia Salla is a researcher and holds a Master’s degree from the Professional Master’s in Public Policy at Insper (2021).

Wilson Nigri


Debby Forman

Debby Forman

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