Chemical Engineer Day

Chemical Engineer Day

The chemical engineer is critical in continuous evolution! Chemical engineering designs are based on three fundamental laws: conservation of mass, conservation of energy, and conservation of quantity of motion. Chemical engineers synthesize products, but in addition...
International Day for Preserving the Ozone Layer

International Day for Preserving the Ozone Layer

What is your strategy today to proactively participate in the celebration that began in 1994 as the UN's response to annually recognize the 1987 Montreal Protocol. The countries that signed this treaty made a commitment to decrease the production of CFC's...
Agronomist Day

Agronomist Day

The agronomists' challenges meet the CWIST methodology: Strategies, Tools, Operations & People. What tools are necessary to operationalize the strategies of Brazilian agronomy? It is they, the agronomists, who define, operate and generate the...
Maria da Penha Law is a functional strategic law!

Maria da Penha Law is a functional strategic law!

Recognized by the UN as one of the most functional laws against domestic violence, the strategy of providing a safe, networked system with clear laws provides a welcoming and alternative mechanism for women victims of aggression and abuse. Art. 3 They will be
Stop to gain time because time does not stop

Stop to gain time because time does not stop

There are many books and movies that deal with the question of time and its dimensions. Time that takes too long to pass. Time that runs too fast. Time that cannot be recovered. Time in youth with hopes for the future. Time in old age with regrets. Business time is...